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新世代核醫放射藥物的開發與生產在全球醫藥界異軍突起,具有精準標靶、診斷與治療三大功,讓癌症治療的過程兼顧生活品質與更高的治癒率。針對攝護腺癌、神經內分泌腫瘤、阿茲海默症診斷,全球已有多款新型核醫放射藥物問世,然而因整體產能不足,台灣當前供不應求、只有少數醫學中心才能使用。為了讓台灣更多病患受惠,核醫放射藥物專家黃雅瑤博士與雲象科技執行長葉肇元醫師兩位共同創辦人,率領國內精準醫療藥物頂尖人才,組成一支台灣少見橫跨放射藥物與PIC/S GMP製藥領域的專業團隊,建置穩定且高品質的核醫放射藥物供應鏈並積極與奇異醫療及國內外生技公司建立策略合作關係,期待以卓越的新世代智慧醫療科技為全球醫療帶來巨大貢獻。



佳捷生技股份有限公司為台灣最具規模且實務經驗豐富之臨床試驗基地管理公司SMO (Site Management Organization)。


全面且高效執行臨床試驗第一期~第四期(Phase I-IV)、上市後藥品監測(Post-marketing Surveillance, PMS)、學術研究(Research Study)等臨床試驗之高品質試驗環境,著重於快速招募受試者及加速試驗執行時程之專業管理服務,以協助客戶產品儘早進入市場。


3S System Technology


全系列網路監控產品與軟體系統皆符合TAA及NDAA之規範,並通過ISO 9001:2015品質管理系統及ISO IEC 27001:2013資訊安全管理系統認證標準,同時也獲得多項國內外機構認證及新型專利之肯定;此外,身為台灣智慧環安控領航者的立承,亦能提供優秀的整合系統與產品技術客製化服務,經驗豐富的專案執行團隊對於工程設計與執行有良好的協作能力,能確實為客戶解決難題。



Yoda Pharmaceuticals是一家新創新藥公司,專注於未被滿足醫療需求的CNS(中樞神經系統)疾病,使用AI(人工智慧)技術進行新穎性治療藥物之開發。目前公司分別針對神經與精神疾病,包含思覺失調症、阿茲海默症、失智症、多重系統退化症等,皆有不同的新藥研發產品線進行中。

目前公司第一線新藥產品,YA-101,針對神經退化性疾病如多重系統退化症(MSA已完成臨床前試驗,於2022年通過美國FDA所規範的治療多重系統退化症之孤兒藥認證(Orphan Drug Designation),並正進入臨床試驗階段,可望在幾年內正式成為第一線且唯一可治療多重系統退化症的新藥。


GoSky AI

GoSky AI 是台灣行銷科技領導品牌,透過「No-Code 企業免寫程式、No-Download 用戶免下載 App」技術,30 分鐘即協助企業品牌打造專屬會員平台,會員無需下載掃碼即用,品牌可輕鬆累積第一方會員數據深化與顧客連結提升顧客終身價值,不錯過任何接觸點,匯集點狀流量導流轉化為品牌全面向收益,為品牌客製全方位顧客體驗,輕鬆養出高含金量會員,共創營收成長。

GoSky Social CRM 社群會員經營平台運用 MarTech 行銷科技及第一手數據為品牌優化商業模式,為目前台灣市場獨創以線上數位累點結合社群的會員經營平台,合作用戶遍佈全球,如 中華職棒、新北國王職業籃球隊、台灣運彩 T1 League、Lazada、薩泰爾娛樂、Pizza Hut Taiwan、老賴茶棧、圓石禪飲、Mercedes – Benz、vivo 等。期望透過科技持續驅動社會創新,創造美好的社會影響力。

PrecisemAb Biotech

PrecisemAb Biotech透過具產業突破性且已獲得全球 15國專利認證的「萬能抗體鎖技術」,把抗體藥物變得更安全又有效,可提升藥廠臨床試驗成功率及病患的治療品質。團隊目前已針對腫瘤與自體免疫疾病,成功研發多項抗體鎖產品 未來將透過 (1)客製化抗體鎖設計服務專案,或 (2)自有抗體產品共同開發模式,與全球藥廠合作開發抗體鎖藥物,並將抗體鎖藥物授權予藥廠進行臨床開發與上市銷售。

「投資案件消息」恭喜Gemini Data完成新一輪募資,並發表雲端Saas版Gemini Explore

恭喜Gemini Data!

No code 圖數據分析公司Gemini Data正式發表雲端Saas版Gemini Explore並成功引進樺漢、緯創新一輪投資人!
做為早期投資人的金石創投非常期待見證Gemini Data改變未來數據分析視野的全新發展。


Gemini Data Announces Launch of Saas Version of Gemini Explore and Completion of New Funding Round

Gemini Data is the Modern No-Code Graph Data Platform for Everyone

OAKLAND, Calif.June 6, 2022 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Gemini Data, Inc, the creators of the powerful no-code platform to drive mass adoption of graph technologies, has announced the much-anticipated launch of the SaaS version of the Gemini Explore™ platform. The formal launch will take place at this year’s Neo4j GraphConnect Conference, where Gemini Data is a Gold Sponsor. Coupled with this announcement is the completion of the Company’s most recent funding round. Gemini Data is pleased to welcome new investors Ennoconn, a subsidiary of the Foxconn Group, and Wistron Corporation, with participation from previous investors Systex Corporation and Michael Baum, co-founder and former CEO of Splunk, among others.

“Traditional graph solutions require users to learn complex query languages or write specialized code. Gemini’s modern no-code graph data platform disrupts this old way of thinking and enables business users and data scientists alike to quickly and efficiently interact with their data. With Gemini Explore, organizations are able to connect the dots – find the deeper meaning behind seemingly unrelated pieces of information – to accelerate the decision making process, increase analytics team efficiency, and capture new opportunities” said Johnny Lin, Co-Founder and CEO of Gemini Data.

Set to disrupt the current graph technologies market, the SaaS version of Gemini Explore will formally launch at this year’s Neo4j GraphConnect conference in Austin, TX. The event, occurring June 6-8, is one of the must-attend graph technologies events of the year. “GraphConnect was a natural choice when determining where to introduce this evolution of Gemini Explore as the next generation graph data platform,” said Lin.

Gemini Data will utilize the funds from its latest funding round to further expand its sales and marketing efforts while continuing to invest heavily in cutting-edge product development. “We are thrilled to grow our relationship with our partners as we continue to expand the reach of our platform,” said Lin. “This additional capital from top-tier strategic partners brings us significantly closer to our vision of making solving complex data analysis challenges simple and attainable for everyone. We value the years of knowledge and unique industry insights they bring to the partnership, particularly their experience in supply chain management, where providing access to multiple data sets in an intuitive, no-code interface with Gemini Explore can finally enable true supply chain visibility.”


原文網址: Gemini Data Announces Launch of Saas Version of Gemini Explore and Completion of New Funding Round





Spaceship 國際寄件比價網路平台,符合各種型態的消費者。

Spaceship 結合創新科技、人性化設計及數據分析,以突破物流產業的傳統模式並成為產業先驅,打破以往繁瑣的寄件操作流程和極高的寄件門檻限制,我們的目標是讓國際寄件更平易近人,使國際寄件打破國界。Spaceship至今已與各大國際快遞公司(FedEx, UPS, DHL, TNT, Aramex 和DPEX等)建立正式合作關係,使Spaceship 提供更簡單並更理想的價格得到最優質的國際寄件服務。 

Spaceship is a platform which helps all types of consumer segments compare and book international courier service as well as other value added services. Through innovative technology, humanized design, and data analysis, we break through the boundaries of traditional logistic companies, including the complicated procedures and high shipping threshold, aiming to make international shipment more accessible to everyone. With the official partnership with various international courier companies (FedEx, UPS, DHL, TNT, Aramex, DPEX,  and more), Spaceship users can alway easily and affordably ship globally.