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「投資案件消息」Insurtech, Lydia AI 助台灣人壽奪獎,亦打入日本市場 !

恭喜Lydia AI與台灣人壽!

導入Lydia AI的AI健康分APP的台灣人壽,在全球諮詢研究公司CELENT主辦的「年度模範保險公司獎」中,從全球28個國家、數百件參賽作品中脫穎而出,拿下「數據分析及人工智慧大獎」(Data, Analytics, and AI)的類別獎項,台灣人壽也成為CELENT獎項開辦以來,首度攻下數據分析及人工智慧應用獎項的台灣保險業者…

原文網址: 台灣人壽奪得「模範保險公司獎」,背後服務是來自新創Lydia AI! 

相關報導: 台壽 獲模範保險公司創新獎  



「投資案件消息」恭喜圖睿科技完成1,500 萬美金A輪募資,宣布加速研發並拓展全球市場

恭喜圖睿科技 GRAID TECHNOLOGY INC. 完成1,500 萬美金A輪募資!


圖睿科技(GRAID Technology) 是組合式基礎架構的創新者,在組合式基礎架構下,計算、儲存跟網路都被軟體從物理位置抽象化,並運用軟體控制及管理。組合式基礎架構使企業以及資料中心的資源能像雲端計算般被彈性使用,也是私有雲以及混合雲解決方案的基礎。圖睿科技於2021年推出的SupremeRAID™解決方案,以超越市場競爭者4到40倍的效能,迅速獲得各大伺服器廠商以及資料中心客戶的青睞。目前客戶遍佈美國,歐洲、台灣以及俄羅斯。


GRAID Technology Secures $15M USD Series A Funding, Accelerates Growth in the Data Storage & Protection Market

Led by a key investment from Capital TEN, GRAID Technology will enhance and expand industry leading data protection solutions across the OEM and Enterprise markets.

GRAID Technology announced today that it has secured a $15 million USD Series A funding round, led by Capital TEN. Additional investors include Cathay Venture Inc., China Investment & Development Company Ltd., Huitung Investments, Neo Capital Investment Corporation Ltd., Paragon Investments Inc., and Yuanta Venture Capital Co. Ltd. This funding round positions GRAID to continue to deliver industry leading data protection products across worldwide OEM and Enterprise markets.

GRAID Technology is an innovator in Software-Composable Infrastructure (SCI), where compute, storage, and networking resources should be abstracted from their physical locations and managed by software through a web-based interface. SCI makes data center resources as readily available as cloud services and is the foundation for private and hybrid cloud solutions.

“Along with the emergence of NVMe SSD and NVMeoF technologies, we clearly see SupremeRAID™ as a foundational SCI technology to disaggregate storage resources without sacrificing performance and latency,” said founder and CEO of GRAID Technology Leander Yu. “Our investors are focused on growing disruptive technology with huge market potential. We believe that the SupremeRAID™ solution is the most disruptive technology introduced to the storage industry in the last 20 years.”

GRAID Technology is headquartered in Silicon Valley, California with an office in Ontario, CA and an R&D center in Taipei, Taiwan. Named one of the Ten Hottest Data Storage Startups of 2021 by CRN, GRAID SupremeRAID™ performance is breaking world records as the first NVMe and NVMeoF RAID card to unlock the full potential of your SSD performance: a single SupremeRAID™ card delivers 16 million IOPS and 110GB/s of throughput.

原文網址: Congrats to GRAID Technology Secures $15M USD Series A Funding

相關報導: 圖睿科技拓展全球OEM 完成4.1億A輪募資 



「活動消息」金石創投分享於2021年Meet Taipei盛會 及 新北創力坊Demo day

金石創投很榮幸於2021年Meet Taipei盛會中,受邀高雄市青年局舉辦的三方座談活動,與會人有高科大郭小萍經理、台經院徐慶柏副研究員、金石創投曾怡璋副總,對於當前的台灣募資環境及創業生態於產、官、學三個角度均有深入分析與分享,現場互動熱絡,與談精彩!


「投資案件消息」恭喜GRAID獲得 CES 2022 年度創新獎!

▲CES 2022 年度創新獎!

恭喜GRAID獲得 CES 2022 年度創新獎!在 Leander 的帶領下圖睿科技屢創佳績! 太叫人興奮啦!我們很榮幸成為 GRAID Technology 的連續投資人,恭喜!



Computer Peripherals & Accessories

GRAID SupremeRAID™ is the the world’s first NVMe and NVMeoF RAID card to unlock the full potential of your SSD performance, offering a new way for enterprise data centers to achieve record-breaking performance without sacrificing data security or business continuity. Designed for a modern software composable environment, GRAID SupremeRAID™ protects direct-attached flash storage as well as storage connected via NVMe over Fabrics (NVMeoF), while delivering 6M IOPS 4k random IO and 30GB/s throughput (PCIe Gen 3) or 100GB/s throughput (PCIe Gen 4) with single card.


「投資案件消息」恭喜AI Insurtech新創公司Lydia AI,完成A+輪8百萬美金募資!

恭喜AI Insurtech新創公司Lydia AI,完成A+輪募資!
本輪由500 Startups、金石創投、阿里巴巴創業者基金、IVP等專業投資機構募集共800萬美金,迄今募資總金額已達到1,400萬美金。

▲Christina Cai, COO & Co-Founder 宣布Lydia AI完成A+輪8百萬美金募資。

TORONTO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Lydia AI, formerly known as Knowtions Research, has announced the closing of $8 million USD in a Series A+ funding round. Led by existing investor, Information Venture Partners, and with participation from new investors, including 500 Global, this round brings Lydia AI’s total funding to $14 million USD.

Lydia AI is a deep learning risk scoring engine trained on global health data to generate precise health benchmarks. Insurers use Lydia AI to personalize experience, accelerate underwriting practices and develop new products. The company has partnered with a leading insurer to launch the first series of digital Lydia AI health score products.

“We believe that new sources of alternative data and AI will create digital insurance products that are easier to buy and can protect more people, especially those underserved by the industry today,” said Anthony Lee, CEO of Lydia AI. “In Asia alone, non-treatment due to lack of affordability amounted to $92 billion USD. With more data and improved predictive accuracy, we can help insurers make better risk decisions that transform customer experience for the next billion people.”

Lydia AI will be using the funding to establish itself as the new industry standard for health risk scoring, using digital medical data, by expanding the health score’s applicability to different types of health and life insurance products. The company selected Taiwan, Asia’s 4th largest insurance market, as its pilot market and plans to use its funding to expand into Japan, South Korea and South East Asia.

David Unsworth, the lead investor of the round and General Partner at Information Venture Partners, commented, “with Covid-19 shutting down face-to-face channels, we saw Lydia AI being poised to help insurers transform customer experience for the remote world. We believe Lydia AI is able to become the backbone of new digital health insurance products.”

Tony Wang, Managing Director at 500 Global, commented, “we believe in companies that solve challenging global problems, and that’s why we invested in Lydia AI. The next frontier of customers are digital-first citizens, and they have radically different needs than those who are insured today. We believe Lydia AI has the team and the technology to solve this problem.”

Lydia AI currently employs 42 people and plans to add 25 new hires to strengthen and grow a strong global presence in the next year.

Congrats to insurtech startup Lydia AI has raised $10 million CAD

原文網址: Lydia AI Raises $8 Million in Series A+ Funding Round to Insure the Next Billion People 



「活動消息」Meet The Angels – 新創天使在高雄

Meet The Angels – 新創天使在高雄

 ▲「Meet the Angels」於10月7日在道騰國際商務中心順利登場,協助新創團隊尋找適合的投資人,為新創的穩健成長提供強大助力。


在疫情緩和下,高雄年度盛事新創資金媒合會「Meet the Angels」於10月7日在道騰國際商務中心順利登場。若水舉辦的資金媒合會2021年邁入第4年,並首次選定於高雄舉辦,結合南部豐富的創新創業資源,由若水鑑價、金石創投、科技部人工智慧生技醫療創新研究中心以及國立高雄科技大學、國立中山大學、高雄醫學大學等3校的創新創業育成中心共同合作舉辦。期能透過資金媒合會作為互動平台,促進南台灣新創團隊與創投業者之間的交流。





本次活動主辦單位共同取名「Meet the Angels」,旨在協助新創團隊尋找適合的投資人,為新創的穩健成長提供強大助力。

若水集團同樣秉持From Angel to Business的精神,有別於大部分的孵化器僅陪伴團隊走過草創時期,若水固定舉辦輔導、諮詢活動以及資金媒合會來服務新創公司,同時提供團隊至少2年的整合性服務,包含業務拓展、投融資安排、價值管理、商業模式進化等專業項目,同時若水也於近期推出專為新創公司打造的公司估值系統OTTEREX,協助技術領先、有市場前景且具國際化視野的新創團隊掌握並持續提升價值,達到企業價值的最大化。

原文網址: Meet The Angels 新創天使在高雄 – DIGITIMES 智慧應用

「活動消息」 2021 Meet The Angels新創資金媒合會成果圓滿

2021 Meet The Angels新創資金媒合會成果圓滿


 ▲2021 Meet The Angels新創資金媒合會,5家新創向與會超過40位創投與天使投資人及貴賓展現其成果和能量,提升新創團隊的潛在價值與團隊實際交流。

新創團隊引頸期盼的2021 Meet The Angels新創資金媒合會,於7月23日盛大舉辦。2021 Meet The Angels新創資金媒合會為若水鑑價、金誠新創推速器及國立高雄科技大學首度攜手主辦,打造友善台灣新創的商業生態系,以提供新創一條龍整合性服務。




2021 Meet The Angels期待由主辦方共同推薦優質新創團隊與天使投資人間的交流架接橋梁,促成資金媒合為雙方創造雙贏的局面,共同創造價值。除新創團隊的介紹,活動也按照慣例邀請第一屆媒合會團隊進行分享,此次由提供專業的造型服務及O2O線上預約平台的StyleUp執行長宋涵暉Irene來分享參與媒合會的寶貴經驗。


2021 Meet The Angels線上資金媒合會順利圓滿落幕,相信將能提升新創團隊的潛在價值與團隊實際交流,增進新創與投資方媒合契機,達到雙贏之成效,增加獲取投資機會。

原文網址: 2021 Meet The Angels新創資金媒合會成果圓滿 – DIGITIMES 智慧應用


Gemini Data是一間於矽谷成立的、專精於關聯性大數據探索分析的新創公司,以具突破性的成Data Storytelling  for  Everyone(看圖說故事的數據探索方式),協助客戶進行數據分析時所需的自動化、智能化輔助,並藉由一條龍完整解決方案協助企業從佈署、管理到探索資料平台,協助企業一次管理 Splunk、Tableau、elastic、Salesforce 等軟體。已經廣泛的應用在商業智慧、醫療保健、CRM、客服、生產力、資安及IT維護等多重領

域。來已經累積100多家企業客戶,包括Toshiba, Sears, 電信公司 AT&T、汽車公司戴姆勒、歐洲最大電商平台 OTTO、日本樂天等大企業,高達90%的客戶都在合約到期後續約或進行加購,客戶黏著度相當高。